Events Maintenance Cmdlets

The following are lists of the commands to delete events from the database.

Arguments in bold are mandatory.


Removes all events from the specified deployment group.

Return value: Void

Arguments Argument Description
GroupName (String) The name of the deployment group where the events are to be removed.
BatchSize (Int) Number of rows to be affected within each batch transaction.
BatchDelay (Int) Amount of time in seconds that SQL will pause to allow other transactions to process.


Removes all events older than the specified number of days.

Return value: Void

Arguments Argument Description
Days (Int) How many days worth of events to retain - any events older than this will be deleted.
BatchSize (Int) Number of rows to be affected within each batch transaction.
BatchDelay (Int) Amount of time in seconds that SQL will pause to allow other transactions to process.


Removes all events with the specified identifier.

Return value: Void

Arguments Argument Description
EventId (Int) The event Id to be removed from the database.
BatchSize (Int) Number of rows to be affected within each batch transaction.
BatchDelay (Int) Amount of time in seconds that SQL will pause to allow other transactions to process.


Removes all events within the specified event id range.

Return value: Void

Arguments Argument Description
StartEventId (Int) The start event Id range to be removed from the database.
EndEventId (Int) The end event Id range to be removed from the database.
BatchSize (Int) Number of rows to be affected within each batch transaction.
BatchDelay (Int) Amount of time in seconds that SQL will pause to allow other transactions to process.


Removes all high volume events older than the specified number of days.

Return value: Void

Arguments Argument Description
Days (Int) The maximum age of high volume events that should be retained.
BatchSize (Int) Number of rows to be affected within each batch transaction.
BatchDelay (Int) Amount of time in seconds that SQL will pause to allow other transactions to process.


Provides a preview of expected results for removing all events from the specified deployment group (see Invoke-AmcRemoveAllEventsFromDeploymentGroup).

Return value: Void


Argument Description
GroupName (String) The name of the deployment group where the events are to be removed.
BatchSize (Int) Number of rows to be affected within each batch transaction.


Provides a preview of expected results for removing all events older than the specified number of days (see Invoke-AmcRemoveAllEventsOlderThanXDays).

Return value: Void


Argument Description
Days (Int) The maximum age of high volume events that should be retained.
BatchSize (Int) Number of rows to be affected within each batch transaction.


Provides a preview of expected results for removing all event records that match the specified event ID (see Invoke-AmcRemoveAllEventsWithId).

Return value: Void

Arguments Argument Description
EventId (Int) The event Id to be removed from the database.
BatchSize (Int) Number of rows to be affected within each batch transaction.


Provides a preview of expected results for removing all events within the specified event range (see Invoke-AmcRemoveAllEventsWithinIdRange).

Return value: Void

Arguments Argument Description
StartEventId (Int) The start event Id range to be removed from the database.
EndEventId (Int) The end event Id range to be removed from the database.
BatchSize (Int) Number of rows to be affected within each batch transaction.


Provides a preview of expected results for removing all high volume events older than the specified number of days (see Invoke-AmcRemoveAllHighVolumeEventsOlderThan).

Return value: Void

Arguments Argument Description
Days (Int) The maximum age of high volume events that should be retained.
BatchSize (Int) Number of rows to be affected within each batch transaction.